Ipsilateral access portal venous embolization (PVE) for preoperative hypertrophy exhibits low complication rates in Clavien-Dindo and CIRSE scales.
Pan-Asian adapted ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the diagnosis treatment and follow-up of patients with localised colon cancer
HPV DNA/RNA detection in various oral and oropharyngeal biomaterials identifies active HPV infections also in non-neoplastic tonsils
Treatment patterns in older patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Results from an EORTC led survey
Recommendations for postoperative radiotherapy in head & neck squamous cell carcinoma in the presence of flaps: A GORTEC internationally-reviewed HNCIG-endorsed consensus
Parotid sparing and quality of life in long-term survivors of locally advanced head and neck cancer after intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Prognostic Impact of Acute Cardiovascular Events in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients-Results from the CORONA Germany Study.
Clinical outcome, risk assessment, and seasonal variation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients-Results from the CORONA Germany study.
Efficacy of docetaxel plus ramucirumab as palliative second-line therapy following first-line chemotherapy plus immune-checkpoint-inhibitor combination treatment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) UICC stage IV.
Efficacy of docetaxel plus ramucirumab as palliative second-line therapy following first-line chemotherapy plus immune-checkpoint-inhibitor combination treatment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) UICC stage IV
Endobronchial Valve (Zephyr) Treatment in Homogeneous Emphysema: One-Year Results from the IMPACT Randomized Clinical Trial
Diagnostic Yield of Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy Compared to Transbronchial Forceps Biopsy in Patients with Sarcoidosis in a Prospective, Randomized, Multicentre Cross-Over Trial
von Willebrand Factor Multimer Formation Contributes to Immunothrombosis in Coronavirus Disease 2019.
Mechanical ventilation and mortality among 223 critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A multicentric study in Germany.
Circulating MicroRNAs, the Next-Generation Serum Biomarkers in Testicular Germ Cell Tumours: A Systematic Review.
Are serum levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D reduced following orchiectomy in testicular cancer patients?
Does Testicular Seminoma Involve a Higher Predisposition Than Nonseminoma to Develop Contralateral Testicular Tumors?
The prognostic significance of lactate dehydrogenase levels in seminoma patients with advanced disease: an analysis by the Global Germ Cell Tumor Collaborative Group (G3).
Management of Germ Cell Tumours of the Testes in Adult Patients: German Clinical Practice Guideline, PART II – Recommendations for the Treatment of Advanced, Recurrent, and Refractory Disease and Extragonadal and Sex Cord/Stromal Tumours and for the Management of Follow-Up, Toxicity, Quality of Life, Palliative Care, and Supportive Therapy.
Management of Germ Cell Tumours of the Testis in Adult Patients. German Clinical Practice Guideline Part I: Epidemiology, Classification, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Fertility Preservation, and Treatment Recommendations for Localized Stages.
Thromboembolic Events in Patients with Testicular Germ Cell Tumours Are Predominantly Triggered by Advanced Disease and by Central Venous Access Systems.
Full or intensity-reduced high-dose melphalan and single or double autologous stem cell transplant with or without bortezomib consolidation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.
Chromosome 1q21 abnormalities refine outcome prediction in patients with multiple myeloma – a meta-analysis of 2,596 trial patients.
Daratumumab plus pomalidomide and dexamethasone versus pomalidomide and dexamethasone alone in previously treated multiple myeloma (APOLLO): an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial.
Kinetics of Renal Function during Induction in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: Results of Two Prospective Studies by the German Myeloma Study Group DSMM.
Front-line daratumumab-VTd versus standard-of-care in ASCT-eligible multiple myeloma: matching-adjusted indirect comparison.
Prospective assessment of urinary and bowel symptoms, and sexual function between laparoscopic assisted vaginal radical trachelectomy and radical hysterectomy
Voiding recovery after radical parametrectomy in cervical cancer patients: an international multicentre trial – SENTIX
Sexual, bladder and bowel function following different minimally invasive techniques of radical hysterectomy in patients with early-stage cervical cancer
Cervical stump necrosis after laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy: successful management by laparoscopic appraoch
Laparo-assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy as a safe option for Minimal Invasive Surgery in early stage cervical cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Evaluation of an electronic psycho-oncological adaptive screening program (EPAS) with immediate patient feedback: findings from a German cluster intervention study.
Development and preliminary psychometric investigation of the German Satisfaction with Comprehensive Cancer Care (SCCC) Questionnaire.
Effectiveness of brief psychosocial support for cancer patients and their relatives: A quasi experimental evaluation
Effectiveness of brief psychosocial support on mental health of cancer patients and their relatives: A non-randomized controlled evaluation of cancer counseling centers.
Differences in stakeholders’ perception of the impact of COVID-19 on clinical care and decision making
Utilization of Interdisciplinary Tumor Boards for Sarcoma Care in Germany: Results from the PROSa Study
Lichen sclerosus in clinically relevant phimosis: incidence, risk factors, and association with squamous cell carcinoma of the penis
Contemporary Outcomes after Transurethral Procedures for Bladder Neck Contracture Following Endoscopic Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Continence and Complication Rates of Artificial Urinary Sphincter Devices (AMS 800) for Parkinson and Stroke Patients with Incontinence after Prostate Surgery: Retrospective Analysis of a Prospective Database
Recent evidence for anatomic endoscopic enucleation of the prostate (AEEP) in patients with benign prostatic obstruction on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy.
Transcranial Color-coded Sonography Successfully Visualizes All Intracranial Parts of the Internal Carotid Artery Using the Combined Transtemporal Axial and Coronal Approach.
[Emergency physician training-survey of course participants regarding training conditions and motivation
[The Impact of Lockdown during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Care for Elective Patients (C-elective Study) – Results of a Multicenter Survey].
Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma – Novel Benchmark Values for Surgical and Oncological Outcomes From 24 Expert Centers.
MicroRNAs in blood act as biomarkers of colorectal cancer and indicate potential therapeutic targets.
Intraoperative (Contrast-Enhanced) Ultrasound Has the Highest Diagnostic Accuracy of Any Imaging Modality in Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases.
Ipsilateral access portal venous embolization (PVE) for preoperative hypertrophy exhibits low complication rates in Clavien-Dindo and CIRSE scales.
Single-cell atlas of hepatic T cells reveals expansion of liver-resident naive-like CD4+ T cells in primary sclerosing cholangitis.
The effects of physical prehabilitation: Improved liver regeneration and mitochondrial function after ALPPS operation in a rodent model.
Association of subcellular localization of TEAD transcription factors with outcome and progression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Ten Years of Improving Acute Stroke Management in a Metropolitan Area: A Population-Based Quantification of Quality Indicators
Long-term follow-up of subcutaneous versus intravenous bortezomib during induction therapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma treated within the GMMG-MM5 Phase III Trial
Association of Country-Specific Socioeconomic Factors With Survival of Patients Who Experience Severe Classic Acute Graft-vs.-Host Disease After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. An Analysis From the Transplant Complications Working Party of the EBMT
Bortezomib-based induction, high-dose melphalan and lenalidomide maintenance in myeloma up to 70 years of age.
Prognostic Impact of Serum Free Light Chain Ratio Normalization in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Treated within the GMMG-MM5 Trial
Efficacy and Safety of Ticagrelor and Aspirin in Patients With Moderate Ischemic Stroke: An Exploratory Analysis of the THALES Randomized Clinical Trial
Dabigatran or Aspirin After Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source in Patients With Patent Foramen Ovale: Results From RE-SPECT ESUS
Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma – Novel Benchmark Values for Surgical and Oncological Outcomes From 24 Expert Centers.
Single-cell atlas of hepatic T cells reveals expansion of liver-resident naive-like CD4+ T cells in primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Beurteilung der Qualität von Hornhautendothelien unter der Berücksichtigung von Pflege-, Ernährungs- und Gesundheitszustand der Verstorbenen.
Kodex-EPD und Kryoballon-basierte Pulmonalvenenisolation: Evaluation eines innovativen Algorithmus zur Beurteilung der Pulmonalvenenokklusion
Charakterisierung des Down-Syndrom Patientenkollektivs des endokrinologikum Hamburg im Zehnjahreszeitraum 2009 – 2019
Punkt-Prävalenzanalyse der perioperativen Antibiotikaprophylaxe in einem Krankenhaus der Maximalversorgung: Erhebung von Dosis, Applikationsdauer, Abstand zum Schnitt und Repetitionszeitpunkt/-dosis an 208 Patienten
Anwendung einer intraoperativen Lavage des Kolons nach TAR mit TME zur Reduktion der Inzidenz einer Anastomoseninsuffizienz
Molekularpathologische Untersuchung maligner Melanome: konventionelle Testung und Next Generation Sequencing im Vergleich
Retrospektive Analyse des interventionellen Drainageerfolges bei inoperablen perihilären Cholangiokarzinomen
Lebensqualitätsuntersuchung bei Patienten vor und nach Therapie in der Schwindel-Tagesklinik St. Georg
Immunhistochemische Untersuchung des Einflusses von HPV High Risk Typen auf die Entstehung von Condylomata acuminata
Chirurgische Komplikationen nach Leberresektion. Standardisierte Erfassung nach der Clavien-Dindo und FABIB Klassifikation sowie Analyse von Risikofaktoren.
Welche extrakutanen Manifestationen treten bei der lokalisierten Sklerodermie auf? Wie verändert sich die Aktivität der Erkrankung unter der Therapie mit Methotrexat?
Die Rate an chronischen Radialisverschlüssen nach Herzkatheteruntersuchung über die distale Radialisarterie im Bereich der anatomischen Tabatière
Ergebnisse der plastischen rekonstruktiven Limberg-Plastik beim Sinus Pilonidalis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Op-Indikation
Evaluation eines neuen, hochauflösenden Imaging- Systems im Rahmen der Kryoballon-basierten Pulmonalvenenisolation
Kostenkalkulation der Behandlung einer Wundheilungsstörung nach voll arterieller Bypassoperation und mögliche Ansätze zur Therapieoptimierung
Prevalence of Autoimmune Thyroiditis in male to female transgender and changes in hormonal and metabolic parameters
Gibt es erhöhte Komplikationsraten durch präoperative Stentversorgung bei Patienten mit Ösophaguskarzinomen? Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse aus der Viszeralchirurgie der Asklepios Klinik Barmbek
Der Verlauf des idiopathischen Parkinson-Syndroms – Eine retrospektive Analyse von sechzig Patienten einer neurologischen Klinikambulanz
Betrachtung des Knochenzements beim endoprothetischen Kniegelenksersatz unter Gabe von Tranexamsäure.
Einfluss der systemischen Chemotherapie auf das Ansprechen interventionellradiologischer Hypertrophieverfahren am Beispiel der Pfortaderembolisation
Dosisvergleich zwischen EOSedge und konventioneller Röntgentechnik bei Ganzwirbelsäulenuntersuchungen an Skoliosepatienten – ein intraindividueller Vergleich
Charakterisierung des BRAF-Mutationsstatus in kolorektalen Karzinomen, nicht-kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinomen (NSCLC) und malignen Melanomen – eine retro-spektive Datenanalyse.
Parotid sparing and quality of life in long-term survivors of locally advanced head and neck cancer after intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
Recommendations for postoperative radiotherapy in head & neck squamous cell carcinoma in the presence of flaps: A GORTEC internationally-reviewed HNCIG-endorsed consensus
HPV DNA/RNA detection in various oral and oropharyngeal biomaterials identifies active HPV infections also in non-neoplastic tonsils
Treatment patterns in older patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Results from an EORTC led survey.
Quality of life, HPV-status and phase angle predict survival in head and neck cancer patients under (chemo)radiotherapy undergoing nutritional intervention: Results from the prospective randomized HEADNUT-trial.
Chromosome 1q21 abnormalities refine outcome prediction in patients with multiple myeloma – a meta-analysis of 2,596 trial patients
Long-term follow-up of subcutaneous versus intravenous bortezomib during induction therapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma treated within the GMMG-MM5 Phase III Trial
Kinetics of Renal Function during Induction in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: Results of Two Prospective Studies by the German Myeloma Study Group DSMM
Lenalidomide versus bortezomib maintenance after frontline autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma
Front-line daratumumab-VTd versus standard-of-care in ASCT-eligible multiple myeloma: matching-adjusted indirect comparison
Salvage autologous transplant and lenalidomide maintenance vs. lenalidomide/dexamethasone for relapsed multiple myeloma: the randomized GMMG phase III trial ReLApsE
Bortezomib-based induction, high-dose melphalan and lenalidomide maintenance in myeloma up to 70 years of age
Bevacizumab as maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis of individual patients‘ data from 3 phase III studies.
Clinical Application of Trans-Arterial Radioembolization in Hepatic Malignancies in Europe: First Results from the Prospective Multicentre Observational Study CIRSE Registry for SIR-Spheres Therapy (CIRT).
Clinical and Regulatory Considerations for the Use of Bevacizumab Biosimilars in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
Treatment breaks in first line treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: An individual patient data meta-analysis.
Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anus, Unresolved Areas and Future Perspectives for Research: Perspectives of Research Needs in Anal Cancer.
Quality of life in rectal cancer patients with or without oxaliplatin in the randomised CAO/ARO/AIO-04 phase 3 trial.
Prognostic Impact of Acute Cardiovascular Events in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients-Results from the CORONA Germany Study.
Clinical outcome, risk assessment, and seasonal variation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients-Results from the CORONA Germany study.
Microsatellite instability (MSI-H) is associated with a high immunoscore but not with PD-L1 expression or increased survival in patients (pts.) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) treated with oxaliplatin (ox) and fluoropyrimidine (FP) with and without bevacizumab (bev): a pooled analysis of the AIO KRK 0207 and RO91 trials.
Short-term Safety and Quality of Life Outcomes Following Radioembolization in Primary and Secondary Liver Tumours: a Multi-centre Analysis of 200 Patients in France.
The CIREL Cohort: A Prospective Controlled Registry Studying the Real-Life Use of Irinotecan-Loaded Chemoembolisation in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: Interim Analysis.
Causes of mortality in elderly UICC stage III colon cancer (CC) patients–Tumor-related death and competing risks from the German AIO colorectal study group Colopredict Plus (CPP) registry.
Fistulotomie und primäre Sphinkternaht zur Behandlung komplizierter Analfisteln – eine Ergebnisanalyse
Hat eine Vormedikation mit Antikoagulantien wie Xarelto oder Marcumar postoperativ bei Schenkelhalsbrüchen, die als Behandlung eine Hüftprothese erhalten haben, einen Einfluss auf den Zeitraum bis zur OP, Komplikationen, Liegezeit oder Sterblichkeit?
Prozedurale und klinische Ergebnisse elektiver Hauptstamminterventionen im ALSTER Left Main Register: Vergleich zu den randomisierten Studien EXCEL und NOBLE
Der Einfluss von Knochenzement und der Blutsperre auf den Blutverlust beim bikondylären Kniegelenksersatz
Retrospektive Analyse der Portohepato-Jejunostomie nach kurativer Resektion von perihilären Gallengangskarzinomen
Chirurgie der Zukunft oder kostenintensives Spielzeug – ein Vergleich zwischen roboterassistierten und laparoskopischen viszeralchirurgischen Eingriffen
Stadien adaptierte Behandlung des Sinus pilonidalis unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher OP-Methoden
Functional Monitoring after Trabeculectomy or XEN Microstent Implantation Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual Field Indices-A Retrospective Comparative Cohort Study
Primary Vitreoretinal Lymphoma Therapy Monitoring: Significant Vitreous Haze Reduction After Intravitreal Rituximab
Comparison of Syringes With Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Drugs: Particle Burden and Protein Aggregates in Brolucizumab, Aflibercept and Bevacizumab
Das Hamburger Register für intravitreale Injektionstherapien (QIVOM) [The Hamburg register for intravitreal injection therapies (QIVOM)]. Ophthalmologe
Klinische Studienzentren (Schargus M). Zusammenarbeit mit klinischen Auftragsforschungsinstituten : Vorstellung eines Fragebogens für klinische Studienzentren [Collaboration with clinical research organizations : Introduction of a questionnaire for clinical study centers]
Endocrine and Growth Abnormalities in 4H Leukodystrophy Caused by Variants in POLR3A, POLR3B, and POLR1C.
Immunological adverse events after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in systemic sclerosis patients
Use of complementary and alternative medicine in patients with primary immunodeficiency: a multicentric analysis of 101 patients
Clonal expansion of large granular lymphocytes in patients with spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis treated with TNF-a Inhibitors
Rituximab for the treatment of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) with pulmonary and central nervous system involvement
Lymphocyte subsets in the peripheral blood are disturbed in systemic sclerosis patients and can be changed by immunosupressive medication
High prevalence of genital human papillomavirus infection in patients with primary immunodeficiencies
Class imbalance in gradient boosting classification algorithms: Application to experimental stroke data.
Training and Supervision of Thrombectomy by Remote Live Streaming Support (RESS) : Randomized Comparison Using Simulated Stroke Interventions.
CLinical Assessment of WEB device in Ruptured aneurYSms (CLARYS): results of 1-month and 1-year assessment of rebleeding protection and clinical safety in a multicenter study.
Derivo embolization device in the treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: a prospective multicenter study.
The novel Tenzing 7 delivery catheter designed to deliver intermediate catheters to the face of embolus without crossing: clinical performance predicted in anatomically challenging model.
Fusiformes Hirnarterien-Aneurysma und assoziiertes Lipom: wichtige Differenzialdiagnose zur Teilthrombose.
Comparison of PED and FRED flow diverters for posterior circulation aneurysms: a propensity score matched cohort study.
Republished: Interhospital teleproctoring of endovascular intracranial aneurysm treatment using a dedicated live-streaming technology: first experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Generating Virtual Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) Images from T1- and T2-Weighted Images Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network in Spine Imaging.
Thoughts on „Estimation of radiation exposure of children undergoing superselective, intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma treatment: Assessment of Local Diagnostic Reference Levels as a function of age, sex and interventional success“.
Handheld macroscopic Raman spectroscopy imaging instrument for machine-learning-based molecular tissue margins characterization
Detection of Significant Prostate Cancer Using Target Saturation in Transperineal Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Transrectal Ultrasonography-fusion Biopsy
Image Quality Study Of Radiation-Reduced Combined Chest and Abdomen/ Pelvis CT Compared with A Standard Protocol
Estimation of radiation exposure of children undergoing superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma treatment: assessment of local diagnostic reference levels as a function of age, sex, and interventional success
Contrast agent dose reduction in computed tomography with deep learning using a conditional generative adversarial network.
False positive PSMA PET for tumor remnants in the irradiated prostate and other interpretation pitfalls in a prospective multi-center trial. Fendler WP, Calais J, Eiber M, Simko JP, Kurhanewicz J, Santos RD, Feng FY, Reiter RE, Rettig MB, Nickols NG, Kishan AU; PSMA PET Reader Group
Experimental examination of radiation doses from cardiac and liver CT perfusion in a phantom study as a function of organ, age and sex
Identification of PCWG3 Target Populations Is More Accurate and Reproducible with PSMA PET Than with Conventional Imaging: A Multicenter Retrospective Study.
Computed tomography-guided biopsy of radiologically unclear lesions in advanced skin cancer: A retrospective analysis of 47 cases
Single- and Dual-Source CT Myelography: Comparison of Radiation Exposure and Establishment of Diagnostic Reference Levels.
Radiation exposure in the endovascular therapy of cranial and spinal dural arteriovenous fistula in the last decade: a retrospective, single-center observational study
Radiation exposure in the intra-arterial nimodipine therapy of subarachnoid hemorrhage related cerebral vasospasm
Pediatric idiopathic steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome: diagnosis and therapy -short version of the updated German best practice guideline
Lactate Dehydrogenase Prior to Transarterial Hepatic Chemoperfusion Predicts Survival and Time to Progression in Patients with Uveal Melanoma Liver Metastases
Impact of EBUS-TBNA in addition to [18F]FDG-PET/CT imaging on target volume definition for radiochemotherapy in stage III NSCLC.
Hemoconcentration and predictors in Shiga toxin-producing E. coli-hemolytic uremic syndrome (STEC-HUS)
Long-Term Transplantation Outcomes in Patients With Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 Included in the European Hyperoxaluria Consortium (OxalEurope) Registry.
Individual variations of the superior petrosal vein complex and their microsurgical relevance in 50 cases of trigeminal microvascular decompression.
Three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Printed Models of Prostate Anatomy and Targeted Biopsy-proven Index Tumor to Facilitate Patient-tailored Radical Prostatectomy-A Feasibility Study
Commentary on „Pediatric Idiopathic Steroid-sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome Diagnosis and Therapy – Short version of the updated German Best Practice Guideline (S2e)
Prognostic Impact of Acute Cardiovascular Events in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients—Results from the CORONA Germany Study.
Cryoballoon ablation vs. antiarrhythmic drugs: first-line therapy for patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Catheter ablation or medical therapy to delay progression of atrial fibrillation: the randomized controlled atrial fibrillation progression trial (ATTEST).
Performance and outcome of the subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator after transvenous lead extraction.
Comprehensive echocardiographic prediction of postprocedural transmitral pressure gradient following transcatheter mitral valve repair.
The ALSTER-TAVI All-Comers Registry: Procedural and 1-Year Clinical Outcomes of Balloon-Expandable vs Self-Expanding Contemporary TAVI Valves.
Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Treatment Strategy, Characteristics of Consecutive Atrial Tachycardia and Long-Term Outcome.
M/M/Infinity Birth-Death Processes – A Quantitative Representational Framework to Summarize and Explain Phase Singularity and Wavelet Dynamics in Atrial Fibrillation.
Antiarrhythmic drug therapy after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation-Insights from the German Ablation Registry.
Spatial concentration and distribution of phase singularities in human atrial fibrillation: Insights for the AF mechanism.
The impact of basic atrial rhythm during catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation on clinical outcomes: Lessons from the German Ablation Registry.
Efficacy and complications of cavo-tricuspid isthmus-dependent atrial flutter ablation in patients with and without structural heart disease: results from the German Ablation Registry.
Safety and efficacy of transvenous lead extraction in octogenarians using powered extraction sheaths.
Dynamic risk assessment to improve quality of care in patients with atrial fibrillation: the 7th AFNET/EHRA Consensus Conference.
Safety and patient-reported outcomes in index ablation versus repeat ablation in atrial fibrillation: insights from the German Ablation Registry.
A case report of cryoballoon-based pulmonary vein isolation in a patient with situs inversus abdominalis and levocardia.
Thirty-day outcomes of the Cardioband tricuspid system for patients with symptomatic functional tricuspid regurgitation: The TriBAND study.
Absence of detectable effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy for breast cancer on the presence of low voltage areas in patients receiving left atrial catheter ablation.
Study design and rationale of the pAtients pResenTing with cOngenital heaRt dIseAse Register (ARTORIA-R).
Outcomes of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair With Edge-to-Edge Technique in Patients With Barlow Disease.
Device-Related Thrombus After Left Atrial Appendage Closure: Data on Thrombus Characteristics, Treatment Strategies, and Clinical Outcomes From the EUROC-DRT-Registry.
Long-term complications in patients implanted with subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: Real-world data from the extended ELISIR experience.
Prognostic impact of impaired left ventricular midwall function during progression of aortic stenosis.
Efficacy of Catheter Ablation for Atrial Arrhythmias in Patients with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy-A Multicenter Study.
Clinical outcome, risk assessment, and seasonal variation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients – Results from the CORONA Germany study.
Specific electrogram characteristics impact substrate ablation target area in patients with scar-related ventricular tachycardia-insights from automated ultrahigh-density mapping.
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance demonstrates structural cardiac changes following transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
Distally Based Peroneus Brevis Muscle Flap for Lower Extremity Defect Reconstruction in Severely ill Multimorbid Patients
Aneurysma einer aberranten rechten A. subclavia (A. lusoria) als seltene Komplikation einer meist asymptomatischen Gefäßanomalie
Evaluation of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA PET/CT images acquired with a reduced scan time duration in prostate cancer patients using the digital biograph vision.
Breast Radiation Exposure of 3D Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Compared to Full-Field Digital Mammography in a Clinical Follow-Up Setting
Radiation Exposure During Diagnostic and Therapeutic Angiography of Carotid-cavernous Fistula : A Retrospective Single Center Observational Study.
Idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus: the cost-effectiveness of delivering timely and adequate treatment in Germany
Systematic, early rhythm control strategy for atrial fibrillation in patients with or without symptoms: the EAST-AFNET 4 Trial.