Percutaneous transhepatic or endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage in malignant distal bile duct obstruction using a self-expanding metal stent: Study protocol for a prospective European multicenter trial (PUMa trial).
Factors impacting survival after transarterial radioembolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Results from the prospective CIRT study
Real-world first-line treatment of patients with BRAFV600E-mutant metastatic colorectal cancer: the CAPSTAN CRC study
COVID-19 in patients with cancer: first report of the ESMO international, registry-based, cohort study (ESMO-CoCARE)
MODUL cohort 2: an adaptable, randomized, signal-seeking trial of fluoropyrimidine plus bevacizumab with or without atezolizumab maintenance therapy for BRAFwt metastatic colorectal cancer
A phase II study of retifanlimab (INCMGA00012) in patients with squamous carcinoma of the anal canal who have progressed following platinum-based chemotherapy (POD1UM-202)
Disseminated tumour cells from the bone marrow of early breast cancer patients: Results from an international pooled analysis
Use of social service counseling by cancer patients: an analysis of quality assurance data of 6339 breast cancer patients from 13 certified centers in Germany treated between 2015 and 2017.
Trastuzumab treatment of patients with early, HER2-positive breast cancer in 17 certified German breast cancer centers
Quality of life, HPV-status and phase angle predict survival in head and neck cancer patients under (chemo)radiotherapy undergoing nutritional intervention: Results from the prospective randomized HEADNUT-trial.
Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Isodose Radiation Volumes in Cases of Severe Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis for the Prediction of Recurrence after Segmental Resection
Nutritional Status Impacts Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing (Chemo)Radiotherapy: Results from the Prospective HEADNUT Trial
The impact of nutritional counseling on thyroid disorders in head and neck cancer patients after (chemo)radiotherapy: results from a prospective interventional trial
Intermittent complete atrioventricular block in a 20-year-old woman with cardiac sarcoidosis: a case report
The impact of TP53 co-mutations and immunologic microenvironment on outcome of lung cancer with EGFR exon 20 insertions.
New Insights in the Occurrence of Venous Thromboembolism in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19-A Large Postmortem and Clinical Analysis.
Comparison of machine learning methods with logistic regression analysis in creating predictive models for risk of critical in-hospital events in COVID-19 patients on hospital admission.
Distally Based Peroneus Brevis Muscle Flap for Lower Extremity Defect Reconstruction in Severely Ill Multimorbid Patients
Testicular germ cell tumours‘ clinical stage I: comparison of surveillance with adjuvant treatment strategies regarding recurrence rates and overall survival-a systematic review
Serum Levels of MicroRNA-371a-3p (M371) Can Predict Absence or Presence of Vital Disease in Residual Masses After Chemotherapy of Metastatic Seminoma
Patterns of Disease Progression and Outcome of Patients With Testicular Seminoma Who Relapse After Adjuvant or Curative Radiation Therapy
Single-course bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (1xBEP) as adjuvant treatment in testicular nonseminoma clinical stage 1: outcome, safety, and risk factors for relapse in a population-based study
Clinical characteristics, treatment patterns and relapse in patients with clinical stage IS testicular cancer
Contemporary options and future perspectives: three examples highlighting the challenges in testicular cancer imaging
Associations of serum levels of microRNA-371a-3p (M371) with risk factors for progression in nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumours clinical stage 1
A Multi-institutional Pooled Analysis Demonstrates That Circulating miR-371a-3p Alone is Sufficient for Testicular Malignant Germ Cell Tumor Diagnosis
Late toxicities and recurrences in patients with clinical stage I non-seminomatous germ cell tumours after 1 cycle of adjuvant bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin versus primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection – A 13-year follow-up analysis of a phase III trial cohort.
Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life after Cochlear Implantation in Patients with Long-Term Deafness
Teaching otorhinolaryngology in times of COVID-19: to what extent can digital formats replace face-to-face teaching?
5. Long-term audiological benefit with an active transcutaneous bone-conduction device: a retrospective cohort analysis.
Addition of isatuximab to lenalidomide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone as induction therapy for newly diagnosed, transplantation-eligible patients with multiple myeloma (GMMG-HD7): part 1 of an open-label, multicentre, randomised, active-controlled, phase 3 trial.
Convenient Access to Expert-Reviewed Health Information via an Alexa Voice Assistant Skill for Patients With Multiple Myeloma: Development Study.
Second Revision of the International Staging System (R2-ISS) for Overall Survival in Multiple Myeloma: A European Myeloma Network (EMN) Report Within the HARMONY Project.
Midostaurin plus intensive chemotherapy for younger and older patients with AML and FLT3 internal tandem duplications.
Isatuximab, carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone (Isa-KRd) in front-line treatment of high-risk multiple myeloma: interim analysis of the GMMG-CONCEPT trial.
Repeated intravenous indocyanine green application to prove uterine perfusion during uterus transposition
GOBLET: a phase I/II study of pelareorep and atezolizumab +/- chemo in advanced or metastatic gastrointestinal cancers.
Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma with Bevacizumab in First-Line and beyond First Progression: The KORALLE Non-Interventional Cohort Study.
Circulating DNA in patients undergoing loco-regional treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Establishment of CORONET, COVID-19 Risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool, to Identify Patients With Cancer at Low Versus High Risk of Severe Complications of COVID-19 Disease On Presentation to Hospital.
Causes of mortality in elderly UICC stage III colon cancer (CC) patients–Tumor-related death and competing risks from the German AIO colorectal study group Colopredict Plus (CPP) registry.
An International Comparison of Presentation, Outcomes and CORONET Predictive Score Performance in Patients with Cancer Presenting with COVID-19 across Different Pandemic Waves.
Highlights from the 2022 ASCO gastrointestinal cancer symposium: An overview by the EORTC gastrointestinal tract cancer group.
Global Multidisciplinary Team Meetings: Challenging Cases Virtual Forums from the International Multidisciplinary Anal Cancer Conference (IMACC).
Safety, Feasibility and Technical Considerations from a Prospective, Observational Study-CIREL: Irinotecan-TACE for CRLM in 152 Patients.
Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced or Metastatic Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Summary of Evidence and Application in Clinical Practice.
Factors impacting survival after transarterial radioembolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Results from the prospective CIRT study.
Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy and outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with cancer: a joint analysis of OnCovid and ESMO-CoCARE registries.
Repeated intravenous indocyanine green application to prove uterine perfusion during uterus transposition.
Comparison of machine learning methods with logistic regression analysis in creating predictive models for risk of critical in-hospital events in COVID-19 patients on hospital admission.
Overall Survival Results From the POLO Trial: A Phase III Study of Active Maintenance Olaparib Versus Placebo for Germline BRCA-Mutated Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer.
Prognostic Factors for Effectiveness Outcomes After Transarterial Radioembolization in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Results From the Multicentre Observational Study CIRT.
The impact of TP53 co-mutations and immunologic microenvironment on outcome of lung cancer with EGFR exon 20 insertions
Efficacy of docetaxel plus ramucirumab as palliative second-line therapy following first-line chemotherapy plus immune-checkpoint-inhibitor combination treatment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) UICC stage IV
[Safety and efficacy of en bloc vs. conventional transurethral resection of bladder tumors: a meta-analysis and systematic review]
Urethral fixation to improve urinary continence recovery after radical cystectomy with ileal neobladder: the EAU YAU Reconstructive Working Party point of view
Vesico-urethral anastomotic stenosis following radical prostatectomy: a multi-institutional outcome analysis with a focus on endoscopic approach, surgical sequence, and the impact of radiation therapy
Bevacizumab as maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis of individual patients‘ data from 3 phase III studies.
Unterricht in der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie. Wie gut können digitale Formate die Präsenzlehre ersetzen?
„Klassifikationssysteme für die Medikamenten-induzierte Schlafendoskopie bei obstruktiver Schlafapnoe“
Characterization of Extracranial Giant Cell Arteritis with Intracranial Involvement and its Rapidly Progressive Subtype
Intraoperative Entfernung von Ticagrelor oder Rivaroxaban bei Patienten mit einer akuten Typ A Aortendissektion im Rahmen von Notfalloperationen
Comparison of machine learning methods with logistic regression analysis in creating predictive models for risk of critical in‑hospital events in COVID‑19 patients on hospital admission
Die robotisch-assistierte radikale Prostatektomie: Indikation, Technik und Ergebnisse eines konsekutiven Patientenkollektivs
Immunonkologische Behandlungsstrategien in der Uroonkologie – Effektivität und Nebenwirkungsprofil eines konsekutiven Patientenkollektivs
„Patient-Reported Outcomes in der Rehabilitation von Patientinnen und Patienten mit kolorektalem Karzinom“
Haben die Alkalischen Phosphate und das IGF-1 einen prädiktive Wert für den Erfolg der Wachstumshormontherapie bei Kindern?
Gutes Misoprostol, böses Misoprostol – oder wie ich es schaffe, ein Medikament mehr als 100-mal teurer zu machen?
Potential for cure and predictors of long-term survival after radiofrequency ablation for colorectal liver metastases: A 20-years single-center experience
Pulmonary cement embolism is frequently observed but not a contributing factor for death in patients with cemented total hip and knee arthroplasty: a postmortem study
Resuscitation of term compromised and asphyctic newborns: Better with intact umbilical cord?/Reanimationsmaßnahmen bei einem reifen kompromittierten und asphyktischen Neugeborenen: Besser mit intakter Nabelschnur?
Risk assessment of hospitalized Covid-19 patients with transmission to the intensive care unit – Results from the Corona Germany Study
Aberrante Expression von mikro-RNAs in präklinischen Modellen mit kolorektalen Karzinomzellen: eine Literaturrecherche und vergleichende Analyse mit einem klinischen Microarray-Datensatz von Studienpatienten der Asklepios Klinik Barmbek.
Fluoreszenzgestützte Cholangiographie bei der Cholezystektomie – Integration von ICG in den klinischen Alltag
High in-hospital mortality in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients with active cancer disease during Omicron phase of the pandemic – Insights from the CORONA Germany Study
Risk factors for Lymph Node Metastasis in Early Colorectal Cancer: A Review of the Current Scientific Evidence
Darstellung von Mutations- und Resistenzspektren bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem NSCLC nach Liquid Biopsy Testung
Operatives und onkologisches Outcome bei elektiven vs. notfallmäßig operativ behandelten Patientinnen und Patienten mit kolorektalen Karzinomen
Validierung des Total Morbidity Scores und Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von MTX bei der lokalen Sklerodermie
Vergleich der mikrobiellen Gallengangsbesiedlung, Antibiotikasensibilität, sowie postoperativer Morbidität und Mortalität zwischen pankreasresezierten Patienten mit und ohne präoperativer biliärer Drainage
Immunonkologisch prädiktiver Marker des Urothelkarzinoms der Harnblase mit Hilfe digitalisierter Histologie und immunhistologischer Doppelfärbung
Prädispositionen für die Entstehung von Thromben am Device und Lecks neben dem Device nach interventionellem Verschluss des linken Vorhofohr
Langzeit-Follow-up nach temperaturkontrollierter Radiofrequenzstromablation von Vorhofflimmern unter Verwendung des DiamondTemp™-Ablationssystems
Ist das McRoberts-Manöver die Ursache für Plexusschäden? – Mögliche Konsequenzen für eine Neubewertung der Algorithmen bei Schulterdystokie.
Outcome-, Überlebenszeit- und Prädiktoren-Analyse bei Patienten mit Morbus Barlow nach perkutaner transmitraler Klappenrekonstruktion
Untersuchung zur Häufigkeit der dentalen Rehabilitation nach knöchernem Aufbau bei ossären Kieferdefekten
„Intraarticular treatment of digital osteoarthritis by radiosynoviorthesis (RSO) – clinical outcome in long-term follow-up“
Die Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung als Mangel an Resilienz? Zusammenhang zwischen Bindungssicherheit, Resilienz und Psychopathologie
Retrospektive Analyse des interventionellen Drainageerfolges bei operablen perihilären Cholangiokarzinomen
Diagnostische Genauigkeit von Computerprogrammen auf Basis der künstlichen Intelligenz zur Analyse von CT- Untersuchungen bei Covid-19 Patienten
Impact of COVID-19 on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A registry-based cohort-study from the German Resuscitation Registry
New insights in the occurrence of venous thromboembolism in critically ill patients with COVID-19-A large postmortem and clinical analysis
New Insights in the Occurrence of Venous Thromboembolism in Critically III Patients with COVID-19-A Large Postmortem and Clinical Analysis
Long-term evaluation of outcomes and costs of urolithiasis re-interventions after ureteroscopy, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy based on German health insurance claims data
Does a 55-year-old Male with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and a 50-ml Gland Have To Decide Between Ejaculation and Voiding Function?
Outcomes and costs of ureteroscopy, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, and percutaneous nephrolithotomy for the treatment of urolithiasis: an analysis based on health insurance claims data in Germany
Reaching Consensus for Comprehensive Outcome Measurement After Urethral Stricture Surgery: Development of Study Protocol for Stricture-Fecta Criteria
Urethroscopic Findings Following Urethroplasty Predict the Need for Secondary Intervention in the Long Term: A Multi-Institutional Study From Trauma and Urologic Reconstructive Network of Surgeons. Letter
Urethral fixation to improve urinary continence recovery after radical cystectomy with ileal neobladder: the EAU YAU Reconstructive Working Party point of view
Contemporary Management of Male Anterior Urethral Strictures by Reconstructive Urology Experts-Results from an International Survey among ESGURS Members
Morcellation After Endoscopic Enucleation of the Prostate: Efficiency and Safety of Currently Available Devices
CLinical Assessment of WEB device in Ruptured aneurYSms (CLARYS): results of 1-month and 1-year assessment of rebleeding protection and clinical safety in a multicenter study.
Compressed SENSE in Pediatric Brain Tumor MR Imaging : Assessment of Image Quality, Examination Time and Energy Release
CLinical Assessment of WEB device in Ruptured aneurYSms (CLARYS): 12-month angiographic results of a multicenter study.
Learning Curve for Flow Diversion of Posterior Circulation Aneurysms: A Long-Term International Multicenter Cohort Study.
Effect of surgical experience and spine subspecialty on the reliability of the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System.
Developments in the range of activities of medical incident officers in the urban setting – a retrospective analysis of the emergency responses of the Hamburg fire department‘s medical incident officers.
Side matters: differences in functional outcome and quality of life after thrombectomy in left and right hemispheric stroke.
Association of Thrombectomy With Functional Outcome for Patients With Ischemic Stroke Who Presented in the Extended Time Window With Extensive Signs of Infarction.
Antithrombotic treatment and outcome after endovascular treatment and acute carotid artery stenting in stroke patients with atrial fibrillation.
Association of stroke lesion shape with newly detected atrial fibrillation – Results from the MonDAFIS study.
Outcome of Stroke Patients with Unknown Onset and Unknown Time Last Known Well Undergoing Endovascular Therapy.
Levels and dynamics of estimated glomerular filtration rate and recurrent vascular events and death in patients with minor stroke or transient ischemic attack.
How Much of the Thrombectomy Related Improvement in Functional Outcome Is Already Apparent at 24 Hours and at Hospital Discharge?
Association of Intraventricular Fibrinolysis With Clinical Outcomes in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis.
Sex Disparities in Re-Employment in Stroke Patients With Large Vessel Occlusion Undergoing Mechanical Thrombectomy.
The Bigger the Better? Center Volume Dependent Effects on Procedural and Functional Outcome in Established Endovascular Stroke Centers.
Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Concomitant Intracranial Hemorrhage.
Ten Years of Improving Acute Stroke Management in a Metropolitan Area: A Population-Based Quantification of Quality Indicators.
Developments in the range of activities of medical incident officers in the urban setting—a retrospective analysis of the emergency responses of the Hamburg fire department‘s medical incident officers
Management of perioperative bleeding risk in patients on antithrombotic medications undergoing cardiac surgery – a systematic review
Removal of Apixaban during Emergency Cardiac Surgery using hemoadsorptionwith a porous polymer bead sorbent
Prognostic impact of secondary prevention after coronary artery bypass grafting – insights from the TiCAB trial
Development and internal validation of the Comprehensive ALPPS Preoperative Risk Assessment (CAPRA) score: is the patient suitable for Associating Liver Partition and Portal vein ligation for Staged hepatectomy (ALPPS)?
Predictive Parameters in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion with Melphalan for Unresectable Liver Metastases from Uveal Melanoma: A Retrospective Pooled Analysis
Circulating DNA in patients undergoing loco-regional treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Differences in the MRI Signature and ADC Values of Diffuse Midline Gliomas with H3 K27M Mutation Compared to Midline Glioblastomas
Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Retrospective Clinical Trial of Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion (PHP-M) with Melphalan
Circulating DNA in patients undergoing loco-regional treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Preoperative leukocytosis is an independent risk factor for morbidity and survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases.
Potential for cure and predictors of long-term survival after radiofrequency ablation for colorectal liver metastases: A 20-years single-center experience.
Longitudinal Outcome over Two Decades of Unrelated Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia: An ALWP/EBMT Analysis
A Simplified Approach to Pulmonary Vein Visualization during Cryoballoon Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation.
Atrial Fibrillation and Transvenous Lead Extraction-A Comprehensive Subgroup Analysis of the GermAn Laser Lead Extraction RegistrY (GALLERY).
Transvenous lead extraction in patients with systemic cardiac device-related infection-Procedural outcome and risk prediction: A GALLERY subgroup analysis.
Comparison of machine learning methods with logistic regression analysis in creating predictive models for risk of critical in-hospital events in COVID-19 patients on hospital admission.
In-hospital mortality and major complications related to radiofrequency catheter ablations of over 10 000 supraventricular arrhythmias from 2005 to 2020: individualized case analysis of multicentric administrative data.
Is there an association between depression, anxiety disorders and COVID-19 severity and mortality? A multicenter retrospective cohort study conducted in 50 hospitals in Germany.
Pulsed field ablation in patients with complex consecutive atrial tachycardia in conjunction with ultra-high density mapping: Proof of concept.
Is Dementia Associated with COVID-19 Mortality? A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study Conducted in 50 Hospitals in Germany.
Multi-national survey on the methods, efficacy, and safety on the post-approval clinical use of pulsed field ablation (MANIFEST-PF).
Fokale atriale Tachykardien: Diagnostik und Therapie [Focal atrial tachycardias: diagnostics and therapy].
Repolarization indicates electrical instability in ventricular arrhythmia originating from papillary muscle.
A novel wide-band dielectric imaging system to guide radiofrequency ablation for pulmonary vein isolation.
Outcomes in patients experiencing complications associated with atrial fibrillation ablation: Data from the German Ablation Registry.
Systemic thrombo-embolic events in a middle-aged male with Loeffler endocarditis without peripheral eosinophilia-a case report.
Prognosis in asymptomatic patients with discordantly graded aortic valve stenosis based on pressure recovery adjusted valve area.
Early diagnosis and better rhythm management to improve outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: the 8th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference.
Chronic liver disease and hepatic calcium-oxalate deposition in patients with primary hyperoxaluria type I
Ten Years of Improving Acute Stroke Management in a Metropolitan Area: A Population-Based Quantification of Quality Indicators
Intrinsic functional brain connectivity is resilient to chronic hypoperfusion caused by unilateral carotid artery stenosis
Long-term Mortality and Reintervention after Endovascular and Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repairs in Australia, Germany, and the US
Circulating DNA in patients undergoing loco-regional treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Predictive Parameters in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion with Melphalan for Unresectable Liver Metastases from Uveal Melanoma: A Retrospective Pooled Analysis
Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Retrospective Clinical Trial of Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion (PHP-M) with Melphalan
The impact of nutritional counseling on thyroid disorders in head and neck cancer patients after (chemo)radiotherapy: results from a prospective interventional trial
Quality of life, HPV-status and phase angle predict survival in head and neck cancer patients under (chemo)radiotherapy undergoing nutritional intervention: Results from the prospective randomized HEADNUT-trial
Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Isodose Radiation Volumes in Cases of Severe Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis for the Prediction of Recurrence after Segmental Resection
Nutritional Status Impacts Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing (Chemo)Radiotherapy: Results from the Prospective HEADNUT Trial
Traditional risk factors and nodal yield-still relevant with high-quality risk-adapted adjuvant treatment for locally advanced head and neck cancer? Butt Y, Tennstedt P, Busch CJ, Hanken H, Krüll A, Petersen C, Tribius S.
Addition of isatuximab to lenalidomide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone as induction therapy for newly diagnosed, transplantation-eligible patients with multiple myeloma (GMMG-HD7): part 1 of an open-label, multicentre, randomised, active-controlled, phase 3 trial
Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Aberrant Plasma Cell Assessment by Next-Generation Flow Cytometry in MM Patients
Convenient Access to Expert-Reviewed Health Information via an Alexa Voice Assistant Skill for Patients With Multiple Myeloma: Development Study
Second Revision of the International Staging System (R2-ISS) for Overall Survival in Multiple Myeloma: A European Myeloma Network (EMN) Report Within the HARMONY Project
Midostaurin plus intensive chemotherapy for younger and older patients with AML and FLT3 internal tandem duplications
Full or intensity-reduced high-dose melphalan and single or double autologous stem cell transplant with or without bortezomib consolidation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma
Isatuximab, carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone (Isa-KRd) in front-line treatment of high-risk multiple myeloma: interim analysis of the GMMG-CONCEPT trial
Prognostic Impact of Serum Free Light Chain Ratio Normalization in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Treated within the GMMG-MM5 Trial
Overall Survival Results From the POLO Trial: A Phase III Study of Active Maintenance Olaparib Versus Placebo for Germline BRCA-Mutated Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer.
Repeated intravenous indocyanine green application to prove uterine perfusion during uterus transposition.
Highlights from the 2022 ASCO gastrointestinal cancer symposium: An overview by the EORTC gastrointestinal tract cancer group.
„Global Multidisciplinary Team Meetings“: Challenging Cases Virtual Forums from the International Multidisciplinary Anal Cancer Conference (IMACC).
Platinum-based chemotherapy in locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): summary of evidence and application in clinical practice.
GOBLET: a phase I/II study of pelareorep and atezolizumab +/- chemo in advanced or metastatic gastrointestinal cancers.
Circulating DNA in patients undergoing loco-regional treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Safety, Feasibility and Technical Considerations from a Prospective, Observational Study-CIREL: Irinotecan-TACE for CRLM in 152 Patients.
Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma with Bevacizumab in First-Line and beyond First Progression: The KORALLE Non-Interventional Cohort Study.
Prognostic Factors for Effectiveness Outcomes After Transarterial Radioembolization in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Results From the Multicentre Observational Study CIRT.
Establishment of CORONET, COVID-19 Risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool, to Identify Patients With Cancer at Low Versus High Risk of Severe Complications of COVID-19 Disease On Presentation to Hospital.
An International Comparison of Presentation, Outcomes and CORONET Predictive Score Performance in Patients with Cancer Presenting with COVID-19 across Different Pandemic Waves.
Association of the C-terminal 42-peptide fragment of alpha-1 antitrypsin with the severity of ARDS: A pilot study
Antithrombotic Treatment Patterns of Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease in Germany: Evidence from Health Insurance Claims Data
Now Is the Time to Bring a Common but Unpopular Noncommunicable Disease into Focus: Peripheral Arterial Disease Takes Limbs and Lives, but It Must Also Touch Our Hearts!
The impact of TP53 co-mutations and immunologic microenvironment on outcome of lung cancer with EGFR exon 20 insertions
Therapie eines metastasierten Nichtkleinzelligen Lungenkarzinoms mit nachgewiesener NRG1-Fusion mit zielgerichteter Antikörpertherapie
Vergleich von transbronchialer Zangen- und Kryobiopsie bei Patienten mit histologischem Nachweis Sarkoidose-typischer Granulome
Effect of nusinersen on motor, respiratory and bulbar function in early-onset spinal muscular atrophy
Status der elektronischen Dokumentation in ophthalmologischen Hauptabteilungen in Deutschland [Current situation of electronic medical records in ophthalmological departments in Germany]
CyPass-Mikrostent-Kürzung mittels spezieller Schneidezange : Videobeitrag [CyPass microstent trimming with special cutting forceps : Video article]
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic’s first wave on the care and treatment situation of intravitreal injections in a German metropolitan region.
Cathepsin D as biomarker in cerebrospinal fluid of nusinersen-treated patients with spinal muscular atrophy.
Immunosupressive therapy after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in systemic sclerosis patients – High efficacy of Rituximab
Checkpoint immunotherapy of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: divergent outcomes in two men treated with PD-1 inhibitors
Body growth, upper arm fat area, and clinical parameters in children with nephropathic cystinosis compared with other pediatric chronic kidney disease entities
Radiation exposure and establishment of diagnostic reference levels of whole-body low-dose CT for the assessment of multiple myeloma with second- and third-generation dual-source CT
Diagnostic reference levels and median doses for common clinical indications of CT: findings from an international registry
FIB-4 and APRI as Predictive Factors for Short- and Long-Term Survival in Patients with Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Stent Shunts
The impact of ultra-high-density mapping on long-term outcome after catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia.
Catheter ablation of supraventricular tachycardia in patients with and without structural heart disease: insights from the German ablation registry.
Corrigendum to: Anticoagulation, therapy of concomitant conditions, and early rhythm control therapy: a detailed analysis of treatment patterns in the EAST-AFNET 4 trial.
Outcomes in patients experiencing complications associated with atrial fibrillation ablation: Data from the German Ablation Registry.
Multi-national survey on the methods, efficacy, and safety on the post-approval clinical use of pulsed field ablation (MANIFEST-PF).
Atrial fibrillation progression and the importance of early treatment for improving clinical outcomes.
Reply to: Comments on impact of obesity on acute complications of catheter ablation for cardiac arrhythmia by Bektas Murat et al.
The ALSTER-FLX Registry: 3-Month outcomes after left atrial appendage occlusion using a next-generation device, a matched-pair analysis to EWOLUTION.
Management of ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy: contemporary armamentarium.
Anticoagulation, therapy of concomitant conditions, and early rhythm control therapy: a detailed analysis of treatment patterns in the EAST – AFNET 4 trial.
Age-related differences and associated mid-term outcomes of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: A propensity-matched analysis from a multicenter European registry.
Impact of a time-to-effect-guided ablation protocol in cryoballoon ablation on the durability of pulmonary vein isolation.
Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Repeated Rituximab to Maintain Remission in Idiopathic Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome: An International Study.
Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion (PHP) with Melphalan in Liver-Dominant Metastatic Uveal Melanoma: The German Experience Experience
Telemedical cardiac risk assessment by implantable cardiac monitors in patients after myocardial infarction with autonomic dysfunction (SMART-MI-DZHK9): a prospective investigator-initiated, randomised, multicentre, open-label, diagnostic trial.
Pulsed-field ablation combined with ultrahigh-density mapping in patients undergoing catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: Practical and electrophysiological considerations.