Scientific research is an important component of medical education at the Asklepios Campus Hamburg (ACH) of Semmelweis University. This is why students are given the opportunity to actively conduct or contribute to research at the IKF at an early stage of their careers. By gaining an insight into varied and exciting research projects, basic research or randomised studies and pathophysiological backgrounds, students can acquire crucial experience that enables them to discover fascinating research fields and questions for themselves.
Get involved in varied and exciting research projects as a student at ACH.
Students are given the opportunity to actively conduct or contribute to research:
Current student graduate theses and research papers
Dmitrii Zernov
Consultant: Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Verse
Häufigkeit von Trachealstenosen nach perkutaner dilatativer Tracheotomie
Tim Winkelmann
Consultant: Dr. med. Dr. habil. Dirk Bandorski
Minimalinvasive Versorgung des Sinus Pilonidalis mittels Pit-Picking.
Libeth Wedel
Consultant: PD Dr. med. Sven Petersen
Characterization of Extracranial Giant Cell Arteritis with Intracranial Involvement and its Rapidly Progressive Subtype
Maximilian Christian Wankner
Consultant: Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Röther